Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Waddesdon Mannor

Travelled down to Birmingham for one of the biggest toy fairs in the country. Over 600 stalls full of matchbox cars, train sets etc. with loads of men in overcoats drooling over all the old toys. We split up and each managed to come out with a bargain. We then drove to Waddesden Mannor. A beautiful stately home with castle like turrets. We couldn't get into the house as the tours were all booked for over 3 hours so enjoyed a walk around the gorgeous grounds and explored the stables, complete with a santa grotto, and the pump house. An artist had some different modern glass sculptures which were lit up on sunset. Finished off the night with a panto, Snow White, featuring Gok Wan. Lots of laughs...you can't beat a good English panto.


  1. Excuse me chaps.....where are the photos of the Toy Swapmeet purchases then?? Come on, lift your game (hee hee). (I want to go back to the swapmeet now......sad!)

  2. All pack away snug, sleeping for the rest of the trip...you will have to wait...keeps you in suspence!!


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